Return to Zhuhai, familiar sights and sounds

As we exited the airport and were making our way by taxi to M's place, it was a such a good feeling. It was familiar, yet unfamiliar, due to us having arrived last time by ferry from HK. Our journey had to take a detour due to some road work, and luckily it took us along the coast where we haven't seen before. It was lush and green along parts that were close to the water, and where we went inland more, there were many fields where farmers were working. We took many deep breaths in to fully appreciate how beautiful this place was. Not before long, we were back into civilation, where mountains were blasted and excavated away, to make room for more developments and industry growth. Then came the industrial parks, where countless of local workers worked and lived; closer to the city center came the foreign companies and their buildings, large and modern. There seemed to be more car dealerships than we remembered last, which speaks of Zhuhai's growth. Finally we came upon the bridges, which leads us into the city and it's various neighbourhoods. The air quality gets a little less fresh, but it's still way better than Shanghai. Familiar weaving and negotiating of cars teamed with honking amuses us. Pedestrians plays truth or dare with J walking and just plain crossing at the crosswalks with vehicles. This time around, it's less stressful or alarming for us to be passengers in taxis, we mostly find it amusing, and try not to watch. Soon we approach the familiar tunnel though the BanZhan mountain, and we know that we are now close to arriving at M's.

M is waiting for us outside the apartment gates, welcoming us and helping us with the luggage. She hasn't changed much, other than for a new hair do and colouring of hair. Upon getting inside the apartment, she offers a plethora of food or things she can do for us... slippers, glass of water, do we want to go out to eat now, would we like fruit, we should sit, she can cook something, etc...; this is how a Chinese host guests, they must offer all they can do for the very important 'saving face'. I assure her that we are good as is, and wouldn't mind just taking our own time to do our own thing to unpack and relax for a bit, and reassure again that should we need soemthing, we will definitely let her know. The reassurances sufficed, so we were left to our own devices. The only 'demand' we had was for dinner at home, and early to bed, as we were still fairly fatigued. M obliged and we all headed out to get groceries and the much needed beer. She made a wonderful casual dinner of pan sauteed greens, and hunan chicken (with red chilies and lots of garlic cloves). It was so good, a perfect end to a long day.

After dinner we chatted and caught up on the going ons with her life, and also watched kids outside from the balcony play. That's one thing that we love about the complex she lives in, there are so many families with kids from 6 months to approx 7-8 years old (about the age of the complex). Every evening families come out with their one child and spend quality time outside where it's cooler. I can see the deep love they have for their infants and toddlers, it's simply beautiful. Funnily enough, I get an insight into my life. Chinese parents show their great love with ease when the children are young, but generally speaking, as they get older, they hide it more and more, as it's viewed as being silly or babying. It gets to a point where it becomes hard for parents and kids to show any emotions to one another at times. Now I see it and understand better, why my father seemed more like a landlord when I was a teenager :P

Not before long, we were very sleepy, thus we bid goodnight, and proceeded to bed, though we first had to remove the bamboo tile mat, as we had horrific memories of it from the last trip.. not to mention waking up with tile imprints that lasts for hours. Air con on, then we were out like a light bulb.


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