Yesterday morning I got a message from someone who is looking for a freelance apparel designer, which came out of the blue. When we finally did hook up by phone late yesterday, it turns out he found me via searching through Google! Of course I was listed many pages in, but my info had what he wanted, Techinical Apparel Designer. I was gobsmacked when he told me this. How very cool and surreal! In order to see if my desig style is compatible with the comopany's design direction, I'm now working up a PDF pkg with samples of my various designs... it sure takes longer than I'd like it to. *sigh* it always seems harder to put together something for myself than for other clients/people. why is that?
Okay, it's now 3:26am and I'm finally getting sleepy. I will finish the rest off tomorrow morning and send it off. Wish me luck!
Okay, it's now 3:26am and I'm finally getting sleepy. I will finish the rest off tomorrow morning and send it off. Wish me luck!